Sunday 8 November 2009


The healing touch (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes Healing (physically & spiritually).
It was re-discovered in the early 1900's by Dr.Mikao Usui.Reiki is administered by "laying on of hands" either on or above the body,techniques like this have been practised for thousands of years.
The word REIKI comes from two Japanese words Rei and Ki: Rei can mean universal energy - present everywhere- it can also mean higher knowledge or spiritual consciousness.Ki is life energy or the universal life force.If your life energy is low,or there is a restriction in its flow you can be more vulnerable to illness.
A very relaxing non-invasive therapy done either lying down or seated fully clothed,usually with a blanket over you to keep warm -I always find no matter what therapy you are doing when a person is kept warm the body response is much better.
Very effective for stress reduction and relaxation,for releasing stuck emotions,bringing about a profound feeling of peace and harmony.

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